
Plymouth Rock

Rochelle sets us a one hundred word, flash fiction challenge, prompted by a photo, each week.  Why not give it a try?


Someone will bounce it into the conversation; immediately, there’s tightening in my throat. My heartbeat probably hasn’t changed but suddenly, I’m aware of it. There’s slight nausea and I feel leery. By the time anyone else has picked up on the idea, my mind’s in hyperbole: reasons why we shouldn’t climb the hill or, if they do, reasons I shouldn’t accompany them.
Fear is a strange thing. I’m scared of appearing cowardly and making a fool of myself. The fear of being scared is as bad as the fear itself. But what I can’t explain to anyone; it’s not a fear of falling that drives me, but all-consuming terror that I’ll jump.

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

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About robprice59

Fifty-something, pacifist, six sigma black belt, lean implementer, brewer, vintner, guitarist, wood-turner, and slave to collies.
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3 Responses to Jump

  1. I can’t even look up without getting vertigo. The Chrysler Building is my favorite New York landmark but I can’t enjoy it’s majestic spire. Such a shame. I think many people have height issues.
    The other fear is jumping off, giving in to all that ails me.

  2. I’ve had that fear when I look down from a height as I have a fear of them. I’ve heard other people say they feel that same way when they get near a high place, so I guess it’s natural. It’s really scary though. Well done, Mick. 🙂 — Suzanne

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